Monday, February 18, 2013

Stress Free Living? Is it possible?

Philippians 4:6-8 

One of my favorite scriptures is found in Philippians 4 verses 11-13. It is definitely not my favorite because I am so compliant to the truth found in it, but more so, because it is such a challenge to my personality and lifestyle. Let’s face the facts: We are a busy culture! In our busyness though, are we productive when you compare the effort and amount of stress invested in our daily tasks versus our productivity? The writer encourages us to “Do not be anxious about anything, BUT in prayer and petition, present your requests to God and the peace that passes all understanding will transcend your mind.” 

You may have read some of the same articles that I have read about the effects of stress on the body. But to clarify, not all stressors are bad. God created our bodies to be resilient and to adapt to all types of changing situations; thus another confirmation that we are created in His image. The problem begins when we have “stress overload”. “Stress Overload” can cause the body to exhibit all types of symptoms, including, but not limited to: arthritic type symptoms, joint swelling and pain (fibromyalgia), high blood pressure, obesity, increased anxiety levels, increased pulse rate, fluctuations in blood sugar, hormone level imbalance, and imbalances of other key body regulators, to name a few changes. 

I believe we will never see a “stress free” life this side of heaven. The challenge therefore is not to look for “stress free’’ opportunities, but to better yet, strive for the Peace that only come from the He who is PEACE. Although a challenge, it is possible to live and prosper during the stressful times of life. It is truly all about our perspective. In closing, think of the stressors that you face every day as opportunities and not obstacles. I like to use this adage at times: Remember nothing in this life ever comes to stay, but if you give it a while, it will always come to pass. 

At Matrix Wellness, we approach each of our patients by addressing the emotional, spiritual, physical, and mental person. In doing so, we can provide comprehensive wellness and disease prevention strategies that will work for all ages. 

David Hughes 

NP and Co-Owner of Matrix Wellness

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