Success Stories


Success Story Interview:

How has the care at Matrix improved your life? 
I think anytime you are obese like I was and still at this time obese. With every ounce or pound you lose takes pressure off your knees and feet of which I have trouble with but they are getting better with every amount of weight I lose. I have found that I can move around more quickly and get up better. I am hoping that I will soon be able to decrease the medicine I take. I haven’t had any problems but Matrix Wellness Solution is just a call away. 

What would you say to a friend or family member who was curious about Matrix or wellness care in general? 

I as well as many obese people have been on many diets. I have lost many many pounds to just gain them back plus more. With Matrix Wellness Solution I know I will keep the weight off because I have lost it slow. 

What has pleased you most in your course of treatment at our practice? 

The slow pace that I have lost my weight so as not to gain it back ever I am praying. Also when you get up on the dreadful scales you are not fussed at if you, gained, stayed the same or lost weight you are praised and encouraged-no matter what the scales say. 

Additional notes/comments: 

Love these people so much. Thanks 

Judy Capps

My name is Marla B, I am 57 years old and live in Halls, TN. I have been morbidly obese for 6 years. I have always struggled with weight but after having a very ill husband, being sole support of my family with sedentary job and a bad back the weight poured on. I quit smoking. More weight poured on. I knew something had to be done and had to be done immediately to begin to get back to a normal weight and feel better.

I heard about Matrix Wellness Solutions at a seminar in Dyersburg at Mt. Vernon Baptist Church. I heard Brian Brown speak and tell his testimony. I knew that God had put me in that room and this was my chance. As quickly as possible I made an appointment and went to Jackson. My blood work confirmed my fears I was killing myself with food day by day.

I began the program on March 18, the day of my first injection. Today is April 22. I have lost 39.25 inches total overall and have lost 34.8 pounds in 38 days. I am so excited. I feel so much better. I began the 40-day program on March 18. I thought I would probably starve to death on 500 calories a day. I have never felt 1 hunger pain. I can barely get 500 calories down now. I lost 7 pounds the first day! Everyday but 3 in 40 days I have had weight loss of more than 1/2 pound.

If you are reading this ad and know you are at a point in your life where you are very unhappy with yourself and do not want to be seen out of the house. Your clothes get tighter every day and you feel like there is no hope for you; please call Matrix Wellness today. There you will find the most accommodating staff. They are my greatest inspiration. Part of the money you pay for your program goes to Mission Work for God. This is the most rewarding thing I have done in my life and I truly feel God led me there through a very dear friend to get my life back. My goal on March 18 was 50 pounds by August 1. I am going to do it. With my 34 pound weight loss I have dropped 3 sizes. Call Matrix today and make your appointment. I have never felt better in my whole life!

I was very excited about starting the HCG diet when I heard about it, but still skeptical as most individuals are with a new diet program. I did my own research and was amazed at how many people were having awesome results and decided to give it a try. My experience was with Matrix Wellness Solutions in Jackson, TN.

The first thing I noticed was how knowledgeable Brian was and how welcoming his staff was in helping me get started on the program. Brian had also had great results with the program and that was more motivation for me. It was hard at first but if you stick with the diet and have the desire to achieve your wellness and weight loss goals you will definitely get there with this program. The thing that amazed me was how much better I was starting to feel and how much energy I had gained while following the program. I lost 26 pounds in my first round of HCG and I am excited about starting my second round soon. I would recommend the program to anyone wanting to lose weight and get heart healthy. Paige, Brian and the staff at Matrix are the best and will help you in any way that they can.

Kristie F.
Man Weight Loss Before and After Success
Woman Weight Loss Before and After Success Story

Jimmy Duke, a patient of Matrix Wellness Solutions, is on his way to losing 50 lbs! Click the video link to listen as he tells why a diet at Matrix is a diet that works.