Saturday, February 9, 2013

Side Effects of Surgical Menopause

When it comes to menopause, things can get complicated pretty quickly. For the sake of this article, we will talk about surgical menopause… that is, menopause caused by hysterectomy.

More women are having hysterectomies today than ever before in the history of medicine. Some women are able to keep their ovaries, hormone producing glands, while others are not. Generally, those who are fortunate enough to keep their ovaries don’t struggle with the immediate effects of sudden hormone loss that comes from a total hysterectomy.

When a woman experiences hormonal loss, whether through natural age-related decline or surgical intervention, the results are the same: loss of energy, decreased libido, weight gain, mood instability, skin and hair changes, mental fogginess, and decline in memory function. The only difference is that the women who have surgically-induced menopause experience their symptoms more severely and more abruptly. 

Biologically identical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) is becoming more widely accepted by women who struggle with these symptoms because there is growing evidence that it is safer than synthetic alternatives. Hormone management is essential for feeling rejuvenated & youthful, promoting weight loss, and preventing weight gain. If you have questions about how BHRT might help you, feel free to contact us for more details. 

Brian Brown, APRN-BCCEO / Co-Owner

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