Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Melatonin May Help With Weight Management

There is growing evidence of the important role that Melatonin plays in the management of obesity. Melatonin is a natural hormone that our body produces to promote sleep. A small pea-sized gland in the brain triggers its release when the suns starts going down. Age can play a crucial role in the level of Melatonin that we naturally produce. As we age, our Melatonin levels naturally drop. Other problems arise when we over-stimulate our brain with artificial light…. much like I’m doing now by writing this article close to my bedtime. 

All joking aside, the artificial light from our computers, T.V.’s, iPods, iPads, or any other “high tech digital poison” can interfere with the release of Melatonin. If Melatonin isn’t properly released at the right time or in the right amount, you probably won’t sleep well… and you may have more difficulty losing weight. 

Now, scientists have linked lack of sleep to obesity, and this form of obesity has partially been linked to low levels of Melatonin. Although all of the reasons aren’t entirely understood, there seems to be a growing body of evidence that supports adding a Melatonin supplement to aid in the treatment of obesity. 

In my mind, it’s certainly a “no-harm no-foul” treatment. It’s all-natural and seems to help in some cases. The additional benefits of achieving healthy Melatonin levels include improved immune function, potent anti-oxidant effects, & healthy balance of hormones such as Leptin, Human Growth Hormone, Insulin, Estrogen, Progesterone, and Testosterone. 

The ideal form of Melatonin is pharmaceutical grade and is “micronized” as well as “sustained release”. Generally speaking, low doses are all that’s needed to achieve the benefits mentioned above. These doses can be as low as 1mg to 3mg in most cases. 

Good Luck and Happy Sleeping, 

Brian Brown, APRN-BCCEO / Co-Owner

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