Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Sneaky Thyroid Problems That Slip Under the Radar

I'd like to share story about a patient that I've worked with for the past few years. This person has struggled with anxiety and mild depression since about 1998, And has been on approximately 3 different antidepressants during that time period.

When this person discovered that we were treating hormone imbalances, they mentioned to me that they would like to get their hormones checked. When we got their results back we discovered that they had  subclinical hypothyroidism.

Let me explain what subclinical hypothyroidism is. Subclinical hypothyroidism is a condition in which a person has very minimal changes in their labs but have significant physical symptoms that relate to standard hypothyroidism.

This client of mine had symptoms such as thinning hair, sadness, low energy, low motivation, cold intolerance, muscle tension, weight gain, and mild anxiety. These are all the symptoms of standard hypothyroidism; however, when we checked their labs, they seemed "normal". As is the case 99% of the time, this type of hypothyroidism often gets overlooked. That's exactly what happened in this person's case.

Two weeks after starting thyroid medication, this person stopped their antidepressant on their own. When they came back for follow-up after one month, they discussed the fact that they had stopped their antidepressant. When asked how they were feeling, they said they were feeling better than they had felt in over 15 years. 

If this particular scenario sounds like you, or someone you know, give us a call at Matrix Wellness Solutions. There may be a good chance that there's a hormone imbalance that can be corrected.

Brian G. Brown

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