Saturday, April 13, 2013

The Number One Vitamin Deficiency & Why It Could Be Killing You

Vitamin D deficiencies are rampant among patients today. Low Vitamin D levels can lead to depression, anger, irritability, heart disease, blood vessel inflammation, heart attacks, strokes, low thyroid function, osteoporosis, premature bone fractures, a weak immune system, cancer, and adult onset diabetes. 

Let’s just look at one particular example… 

According to a landmark study published in 2006, in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, higher Vitamin D levels (> 50ng/ml) translated to a 51% reduced incidence of cancer. The same study showed that in order to raise levels from 20ng/ml to 50ng/ml, it would require a dose of approximately 4,500 i.u. per day of Vitamin D. 

Despite numerous other studies proving the health benefits of properly optimizing Vitamin D levels, a government-sponsored press release was published in 2012 with statements that there are no osteoporosis health benefits in supplementing with Calcium or Vitamin D. Within hours, headlines in the Washington Post read, “Task Force Recommends Against Vitamin D, Calcium Supplements”. Many other headlines just like this one echoed around the media globe. 

As the late Paul Harvey would say, “And now, for the rest of the story.” 

According to it’s own guidelines, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommends a daily allowance of Vitamin D at a dose of 600 i.u. per day, yet in the press release above, the government task force only looked at doses of 400 i.u. of Vitamin D and 1,000 mg of Calcium per day. The data was flawed. Every medical professional knows that there are significant osteoporosis health benefits with proper doses of Vitamin D and Calcium. 

This type of misinformation is detrimental to the American public. Sadly, many people will abandon these valuable supplements and suffer because of it. Why would a government-sponsored task force want to publish such data? Why wouldn’t they tell the whole story? 

I’m not a conspiracy theorist, and I can’t even pretend to figure out this maze of dysfunction, but what I do know is this; we have to be proactive in our own healthcare. I would go even further to add, we have to be proactive in our own WELLNESS CARE! I encourage people to read, read, and read some more. Become informed health consumers. Don't just depend on being fed information by your insurance company or healthcare provider. BE PROACTIVE & FIND A HEALTHCARE PROVIDER THAT WILL LISTEN TO YOU AND HELP YOU DEVELOP A PERSONALIZED WELLNESS PLAN. 

Your life may very well depend on it. 

To Your Health, 
Brian Brown

matrix wellness solutions

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