Saturday, April 6, 2013

Eating Like Jesus: 8 Healthy Foods Of His Time (Part 2)


5. Grapes 

Grapes are still one of the most plentiful foods in the Middle East today. They are very high in health promoting anti-oxidant compounds called Saponins & Phytonutrients which have been shown to have heart health benefits of red grapes – decrease bad cholesterol, increase good cholesterol, and decrease triglycerides. Additionally, much like pomegranates, they have been shown to protect against the damaging effects of the breakdown of bad cholesterol. 

6. Vinegar 

The health benefits of vinegar have been known for quite some time. It seems to decrease the rate of absorption of carbohydrates in the diet, which, in turn, improves blood sugar control 

7. Figs 

Figs are high in potassium, which is essential for proper electrical activity in the heart. It’s also been shown to help support normal blood pressure. Because of its high dietary fiber content, it definitely helps maintain proper intestinal health and may also have benefits in weight management 

8. Lamb 

This is obviously a protein of the red meat variety. It’s unclear as to how much lamb was consumed in the Middle Eastern diet, but there are examples in Biblical texts that it was consumed regularly on special occasions. 

As a red meat, it does have the saturated fat that we need to minimize exposure to; however, at thirty-six percent, it has one of the lowest concentrations of saturated fat than the other red meats. The rest of the fat is mono-unsaturated & poly-unsaturated which is the desired type of fat that has known health benefits. 

Another benefit of lamb is that it is higher in Vitamin B3, Vitamin B12, Selenium, Zinc, Phosphorous, and Iron than a lot of other higher fat red meats. 

I know some of you may be wondering about bread, so here’s a special note about bread: Bread during Biblical times was quite different that the bread we consume today. In fact, if a person from 2000 years ago were to eat our bread, they would barely recognize it. 

In the times of our forefathers, there were only three varieties of wheat. Today, there are over 22,000 varieties of genetically modified wheat. In Biblical times, grains generally were sprouted prior to be baked or used for food. This sprouting process makes the digestion of grains much easier. Additionally, the mechanical processing of grain today makes the grain particles about 10,000 times smaller than the particle sizes back then. As a result of this smaller size, the exposure to grain is increased which makes blood sugar more likely to elevate. 

As a general rule of health, I recommend staying away from grains during any type of weight loss regimen. Once the weight is lost, a sprouted grain bread by the brand name “Ezekiel Bread” can be used in moderation; however, I’m still cautious with this type of bread as well. If you notice increase in carbohydrate cravings after the consumption of Ezekiel Bread, then you should avoid it. 

To Your Health,
Brian Brown

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