Monday, April 22, 2013

The Church Jesus Builds

You have heard it said, “That unless the Lord builds the house the laborers labor in vain.” That statement could give you peace or it could put you on edge; it all depends on what your perspectives on God’s plans and on his timetable are. A lot of areas that I witness concerning the church and organized religion leave me not only scratching my head, but also very tired. Like for example, why is it that in the Church of America that we continue doing the same things and utilizing the same methods, but still getting the same ole results. One would define that process as “insanity”. We should change the method, but we should never change the Message. Have we too become the Old Wineskins, which will be unwilling and unable to hold the new wine? You see, Old Wineskins are tough, they are rigid, they are not real flexible and if something like new wine is poured into them, they will immediately burst. Guess what happens then? Everyone realizes that the old wineskin was a major waster of wine. 

It is so very hard not to want to help Jesus build his church. In other words, it is so very hard to keep our hands and noses out of the way as he is attempting to build his church. Jesus, as I read, never met formally with his disciples in a “church” building. Of course, we see him in the synagogues and temples, but it is usually turning over the profits of money changers or healing the lame, only to be scolded by the religious for doing God’s work on the Sabbath. God’s definition of the church is people. I think that many times we are too busy caught up on shrines and buildings that really serve to impress the guy across the street. My question is: do we impress the one that really counts? 

I have also never read in the Bible that BIG churches are the Model of Ministry that we should be attempting to demonstrate. In fact, Jesus preached and ministered to the multitudes, but when it came time to disciple his first church he pulled them aside up the mountainside and sat down and began to teach them (Matt. 5:1). Having a big church in America has to, at times; give us a glimpse into the carnal nature of us all. I know what you’re thinking though: Bigger churches mean more souls. I hear you when you say souls, but are those souls saved and are they being discipled or are they just taking up a pew before the roll call of Hell begins? Many people insinuate to me that they attend larger churches so that they can hide. In doing so, they feel that they don’t have to get involved, so they can sneak in late and sneak out early and if they’ve done their hour on Sunday, then they are good to go. 

The problem with that is, that all too often, those people become dried up fruit that before long will begin to rot on the vine and fall to the ground. The main reason for that has to be for lack of fellowship and discipleship. Well before I make all the Pastors of larger Churches feel angry at my views, I will say that some larger churches have great discipleship programs and they are thriving in the word and life. Take time to pat yourself on the back because you are not the norm. 

I believe what Jesus was trying to show in his Ministry Model was the concept of Mobile Ministry. One author recently titled a book “Ministry in the Marketplace”. I believe it is the Ministry that goes with you everywhere you are. In fact, Ministry is not something you do, but it is an extension of who you are. We need to start churches where life is happening. Why is it that we rush to the freeway to get near the mall, when it is the neighborhoods and the housing projects that need our spiritual presence more? 

Have we yet to realize that the reality is that people are not going to come to our churches because we build a nice building, but we are going to have to bring our churches to where the people are. The traffic in Jackson, TN. is very busy 7 days a week except for around 8 am to 11 am on Sunday. Does anyone care to solve that riddle? The answer is that surveys tell us that 70 percent of people in the South are Christians, but probably only 10 to 15% of those people actually live a life of faith in God and commitment to active discipleship in the faith. 

In response to that alarming statistic, I have a great idea: I think we should cancel next Sunday am services and go door to door and witness to people about Jesus Christ. Some would say, that is a terrible idea!!! Why? I believe their reason for why is that, even though they are in church week after week, they still don’t have the faith and the power to lead others to Christ or into a deeper relationship with Christ. Pastors and Leaders, this is where our discipleship is extremely lacking. 

I have decided to embark on a journey that has been described as both radical and intentional. I am going to use Jesus’s model of ministry and discipleship. And not only that, but I am going to train others to do the same. I am excited and expecting something wonderful to take place as we use simple minds like mine to share God’s heart and words to ordinary people that I know and am about to meet. I purpose to be intentional about my prayer life and about my evangelistic opportunities. I realize that it is not the job of the Senior Pastor of ANY church to do what God has called me to do. I am being called and equipped to do the work of the ministry. Therefore, whether it’s fancy, I don’t care, but as long as it’s FREE; it is what I will share!

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