Monday, April 22, 2013

The Church Jesus Builds

You have heard it said, “That unless the Lord builds the house the laborers labor in vain.” That statement could give you peace or it could put you on edge; it all depends on what your perspectives on God’s plans and on his timetable are. A lot of areas that I witness concerning the church and organized religion leave me not only scratching my head, but also very tired. Like for example, why is it that in the Church of America that we continue doing the same things and utilizing the same methods, but still getting the same ole results. One would define that process as “insanity”. We should change the method, but we should never change the Message. Have we too become the Old Wineskins, which will be unwilling and unable to hold the new wine? You see, Old Wineskins are tough, they are rigid, they are not real flexible and if something like new wine is poured into them, they will immediately burst. Guess what happens then? Everyone realizes that the old wineskin was a major waster of wine. 

It is so very hard not to want to help Jesus build his church. In other words, it is so very hard to keep our hands and noses out of the way as he is attempting to build his church. Jesus, as I read, never met formally with his disciples in a “church” building. Of course, we see him in the synagogues and temples, but it is usually turning over the profits of money changers or healing the lame, only to be scolded by the religious for doing God’s work on the Sabbath. God’s definition of the church is people. I think that many times we are too busy caught up on shrines and buildings that really serve to impress the guy across the street. My question is: do we impress the one that really counts? 

I have also never read in the Bible that BIG churches are the Model of Ministry that we should be attempting to demonstrate. In fact, Jesus preached and ministered to the multitudes, but when it came time to disciple his first church he pulled them aside up the mountainside and sat down and began to teach them (Matt. 5:1). Having a big church in America has to, at times; give us a glimpse into the carnal nature of us all. I know what you’re thinking though: Bigger churches mean more souls. I hear you when you say souls, but are those souls saved and are they being discipled or are they just taking up a pew before the roll call of Hell begins? Many people insinuate to me that they attend larger churches so that they can hide. In doing so, they feel that they don’t have to get involved, so they can sneak in late and sneak out early and if they’ve done their hour on Sunday, then they are good to go. 

The problem with that is, that all too often, those people become dried up fruit that before long will begin to rot on the vine and fall to the ground. The main reason for that has to be for lack of fellowship and discipleship. Well before I make all the Pastors of larger Churches feel angry at my views, I will say that some larger churches have great discipleship programs and they are thriving in the word and life. Take time to pat yourself on the back because you are not the norm. 

I believe what Jesus was trying to show in his Ministry Model was the concept of Mobile Ministry. One author recently titled a book “Ministry in the Marketplace”. I believe it is the Ministry that goes with you everywhere you are. In fact, Ministry is not something you do, but it is an extension of who you are. We need to start churches where life is happening. Why is it that we rush to the freeway to get near the mall, when it is the neighborhoods and the housing projects that need our spiritual presence more? 

Have we yet to realize that the reality is that people are not going to come to our churches because we build a nice building, but we are going to have to bring our churches to where the people are. The traffic in Jackson, TN. is very busy 7 days a week except for around 8 am to 11 am on Sunday. Does anyone care to solve that riddle? The answer is that surveys tell us that 70 percent of people in the South are Christians, but probably only 10 to 15% of those people actually live a life of faith in God and commitment to active discipleship in the faith. 

In response to that alarming statistic, I have a great idea: I think we should cancel next Sunday am services and go door to door and witness to people about Jesus Christ. Some would say, that is a terrible idea!!! Why? I believe their reason for why is that, even though they are in church week after week, they still don’t have the faith and the power to lead others to Christ or into a deeper relationship with Christ. Pastors and Leaders, this is where our discipleship is extremely lacking. 

I have decided to embark on a journey that has been described as both radical and intentional. I am going to use Jesus’s model of ministry and discipleship. And not only that, but I am going to train others to do the same. I am excited and expecting something wonderful to take place as we use simple minds like mine to share God’s heart and words to ordinary people that I know and am about to meet. I purpose to be intentional about my prayer life and about my evangelistic opportunities. I realize that it is not the job of the Senior Pastor of ANY church to do what God has called me to do. I am being called and equipped to do the work of the ministry. Therefore, whether it’s fancy, I don’t care, but as long as it’s FREE; it is what I will share!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Anti-Aging… Since When Did “Aging” Become A Bad Thing?

A posh term these days is “anti-aging”. We see anti-aging terminology all over the place – in cosmetics, vitamins, supplements, prescription medications, etc. 

Since I’m well past forty, I feel like I’m qualified to speak my mind. I don’t agree with the term “anti-aging”. This term simply carries a connotation that there’s something wrong with growing older. Quite frankly, I feel like I’m just now coming into my prime. Age seems to bring with it a degree of benefit. 

I prefer the terms “Preventive-Aging” and “Longevity”. These convey a meaning of being empowered with the preventive measures necessary for living healthier for longer periods of time. Let me give you a quote that I recently read:

The gradual wasting away of the body over the course of decades is not a necessary or normal component of aging. 

Rather, it is the natural outcome from a lifetime of unenlightened lifestyle choices.

The Conclusion…

Through unhealthy choices you may actually function and be aging biologically at the same level 
as someone 15-20 years older!

So, here’s the golden question…

How can you be one of those people who function and age biologically at a level equivalent to someone who is many years younger than you?

At Term That Makes No Sense…

If I’m totally honest, I must inform you that we, as Americans, have potentially been fleeced. Over the past 8 years, politicians have led us to believe that there is such a thing as “Healthcare Reform”. Sadly, this is not true. The reality is that it’s not “Healthcare Reform”. Instead, it is “Sick Care Reform”. Let me explain…
  • Exponential number of Americans today are turning 65 years old
  • Nine fold increase in the cost of sick care of those over 65 – 85 years compared to those prior to age 65 years.
  • More than 75 cents of every dollar spent in healthcare goes toward treating preventable sickness (ie, diabetes, stroke, heart disease, obesity)
  • Most medical providers are trained to wait until patients are drowning before they throw them a life preserver…. this is, in essence, “downstream” medicine.

What if there was a way to hedge the risks?

There is a way. It’s called “Preventive-Aging & Longevity Care”. A specialist in this area is astute at designing a longevity plan that is custom tailored to fit individual needs. Lifestyle choice coaching & hormone rebalancing are just a couple of the techniques implemented to help achieve these goals.

At Matrix Wellness Solutions, we are specialists in Preventive-Aging & Longevity Care. If you or someone you know would benefit from a personalized longevity plan, contact us for details.

To Your Health,
Brian Brown


Saturday, April 20, 2013

Have You Kept Your New Year’s Resolution?

Well, we are just over four months into this New Year, and I’d be willing to bet that there are a lot of people out there who have fallen off of the wagon…. In fact, it might be safer to say they’ve left the reservation and possibly even thrown themselves over the cliff. 

When it comes to achieving your diet and weight loss goals, accountability is king! Many well-intentioned dieters have tried to shortchange this process only to realize that failure is looming overhead. Humans are “relational” creatures - we need each other. It’s just that simple. 

Other dieters struggle with discouragement. It’s very common to struggle with peaks and valleys during the weight loss process. Understanding the normal physical patterns that come along with weight loss is essential to successfully attaining weight loss goals. Having someone to coach you through all of the pitfalls will make you more likely to succeed. 

Lastly, tracking everything that you eat is essential. Research shows that people who journal their daily food intake are 50% more likely to get the weight off and keep it off. 

At Matrix Wellness Solutions, we provide intensive support, coaching, and encouragement for each of our clients. If you’d like to get your weight loss train back on the tracks, give us a call so that we can discuss your personalized plan. 

To Your Health, 
Brian Brown

Monday, April 15, 2013


Every day we wake up with a choice. We can choose to walk in the promises of God that he has set before us or we can choose to be afraid. I believe that “fear” is a choice and is the exact opposite of faith. In fact, Jesus said “perfect love drives out all fear”. What is perfect love except the kind of love that he can give and we can choose to walk in daily. Scripture tells us “God is love” not “God has love”. What that means to me is that its not a matter of whether God has love available to give to us it’s the fact that everything he is is LOVE. It is not by coincidence, I believe, that the Bible has 365 references to fear within its pages. It is God’s way of telling us that there is a new and different word available to us every day that may present us the opportunity to be afraid. 

Here is an example of the fear that I have been confronted with and maybe you can relate to also: “Fear of The Unknown”: As you know Abraham was called to go to a land that he knew nothing about. God was requiring of him to leave home and family to enter into the place of promise and his ultimate destiny. I believe that nothing great ever happens until we are willing to step out into the unknown and walk in faith and trust in God for his provision. We should not look for faith to always make sense. In fact, faith rarely aligns itself with our logic. Remember with God, “his ways are not our ways and his thoughts are not our thoughts”. I have said many times, “life is what’s happening, when we are waiting on life to start. 

My family and I are on the last legs of a journey that will end in us bringing our son Jaeden home from south of Beijing, China. Jaeden is one of only 3 children that have ever been adopted from this small orphanage in a province south of China’s capital city. Jaeden will bring great joy to our already overfilled life of change and adventure. In the natural, it doesn’t make sense that as my wife and I, being just south of our fifties, would once again embark on such a quest. As you know, most of the people our age that we went to High School with are enjoying their grandchildren and have been for some time. Our adoption which will be final as early as 6 weeks from now creates a great opportunity to be afraid for us. Questions like, “what will we do as parents to meet his needs as a child with cerebral palsy”? How will this affect our current family structure and already loaded schedules”? “How will he be accepted”? Questions like these and numerous other ones can swirl in one’s minds, if allowed too. 

Even while writing out those questions that have stared me in the face many times, I realize that they are selfish in that they disallow God into the equation. In fact, what does it really matter in the grand scheme of things when God has already given his best, Jesus Christ, and he has called our family to be a part of his heart, through adoption? If God has called us to do it, then I believe it is upo to God to work it out! In fact, I hope that you will take courage in this “If it is God’s will, it is God’s bill”. With that said , I have decided to come back next BLOG and share some other areas of our lives that fear can attempt to divert us. Until then, Keep the Faith. 


Saturday, April 13, 2013

The Number One Vitamin Deficiency & Why It Could Be Killing You

Vitamin D deficiencies are rampant among patients today. Low Vitamin D levels can lead to depression, anger, irritability, heart disease, blood vessel inflammation, heart attacks, strokes, low thyroid function, osteoporosis, premature bone fractures, a weak immune system, cancer, and adult onset diabetes. 

Let’s just look at one particular example… 

According to a landmark study published in 2006, in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, higher Vitamin D levels (> 50ng/ml) translated to a 51% reduced incidence of cancer. The same study showed that in order to raise levels from 20ng/ml to 50ng/ml, it would require a dose of approximately 4,500 i.u. per day of Vitamin D. 

Despite numerous other studies proving the health benefits of properly optimizing Vitamin D levels, a government-sponsored press release was published in 2012 with statements that there are no osteoporosis health benefits in supplementing with Calcium or Vitamin D. Within hours, headlines in the Washington Post read, “Task Force Recommends Against Vitamin D, Calcium Supplements”. Many other headlines just like this one echoed around the media globe. 

As the late Paul Harvey would say, “And now, for the rest of the story.” 

According to it’s own guidelines, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommends a daily allowance of Vitamin D at a dose of 600 i.u. per day, yet in the press release above, the government task force only looked at doses of 400 i.u. of Vitamin D and 1,000 mg of Calcium per day. The data was flawed. Every medical professional knows that there are significant osteoporosis health benefits with proper doses of Vitamin D and Calcium. 

This type of misinformation is detrimental to the American public. Sadly, many people will abandon these valuable supplements and suffer because of it. Why would a government-sponsored task force want to publish such data? Why wouldn’t they tell the whole story? 

I’m not a conspiracy theorist, and I can’t even pretend to figure out this maze of dysfunction, but what I do know is this; we have to be proactive in our own healthcare. I would go even further to add, we have to be proactive in our own WELLNESS CARE! I encourage people to read, read, and read some more. Become informed health consumers. Don't just depend on being fed information by your insurance company or healthcare provider. BE PROACTIVE & FIND A HEALTHCARE PROVIDER THAT WILL LISTEN TO YOU AND HELP YOU DEVELOP A PERSONALIZED WELLNESS PLAN. 

Your life may very well depend on it. 

To Your Health, 
Brian Brown

matrix wellness solutions

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Researchers Claim 72 Is The New 30

Some top age-management and longevity researchers believe that 72 is the new 30. 

A recent German study showed that life expectancy has risen faster in the past 4 generations than it has in the history of mankind. In 1935, life expectancy was 65 now it's 78. At the turn of the 20th Century, the life expectancy was just over forty years of age. 

A lot of this has to do with the industrialization of our work force, which created safer work environments for the American worker; no long were people at risk on the farm. Another study reported that life expectancy has extended by three months every year since 1840 and that birth and that babies born today are 200 times less likely to die in the first couple of years of life. Researchers believe that the introduction of antibiotics and improved healthcare have attributed to the latter. 

Isn’t it great that we live in a time when we can boast of these things? 

Wouldn’t it be even greater if we could ensure that the days we have are the healthiest days possible? 

At Matrix, we truly view our bodies as living temples of God. As such, we do our best to maintain this temple and help others do the same thing. We do this by developing a specific “Life Plan” custom tailored to each individual’s needs. A life plan includes: 
  • Lifestyle Coaching 
  • Weight Management Coaching 
  • Nutritional Coaching 
  • Hormone Rebalancing 
  • Fitness Coaching 
When we put all of these things together, we may not be able to extend our years beyond what God intended for us to live, but we sure can make the years that we have much more healthy and full. 

To Your Health, 
Brian Brown

matrix wellness solutions

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Eating Like Jesus: 8 Healthy Foods Of His Time (Part 2)


5. Grapes 

Grapes are still one of the most plentiful foods in the Middle East today. They are very high in health promoting anti-oxidant compounds called Saponins & Phytonutrients which have been shown to have heart health benefits of red grapes – decrease bad cholesterol, increase good cholesterol, and decrease triglycerides. Additionally, much like pomegranates, they have been shown to protect against the damaging effects of the breakdown of bad cholesterol. 

6. Vinegar 

The health benefits of vinegar have been known for quite some time. It seems to decrease the rate of absorption of carbohydrates in the diet, which, in turn, improves blood sugar control 

7. Figs 

Figs are high in potassium, which is essential for proper electrical activity in the heart. It’s also been shown to help support normal blood pressure. Because of its high dietary fiber content, it definitely helps maintain proper intestinal health and may also have benefits in weight management 

8. Lamb 

This is obviously a protein of the red meat variety. It’s unclear as to how much lamb was consumed in the Middle Eastern diet, but there are examples in Biblical texts that it was consumed regularly on special occasions. 

As a red meat, it does have the saturated fat that we need to minimize exposure to; however, at thirty-six percent, it has one of the lowest concentrations of saturated fat than the other red meats. The rest of the fat is mono-unsaturated & poly-unsaturated which is the desired type of fat that has known health benefits. 

Another benefit of lamb is that it is higher in Vitamin B3, Vitamin B12, Selenium, Zinc, Phosphorous, and Iron than a lot of other higher fat red meats. 

I know some of you may be wondering about bread, so here’s a special note about bread: Bread during Biblical times was quite different that the bread we consume today. In fact, if a person from 2000 years ago were to eat our bread, they would barely recognize it. 

In the times of our forefathers, there were only three varieties of wheat. Today, there are over 22,000 varieties of genetically modified wheat. In Biblical times, grains generally were sprouted prior to be baked or used for food. This sprouting process makes the digestion of grains much easier. Additionally, the mechanical processing of grain today makes the grain particles about 10,000 times smaller than the particle sizes back then. As a result of this smaller size, the exposure to grain is increased which makes blood sugar more likely to elevate. 

As a general rule of health, I recommend staying away from grains during any type of weight loss regimen. Once the weight is lost, a sprouted grain bread by the brand name “Ezekiel Bread” can be used in moderation; however, I’m still cautious with this type of bread as well. If you notice increase in carbohydrate cravings after the consumption of Ezekiel Bread, then you should avoid it. 

To Your Health,
Brian Brown

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Eating Like Jesus: 8 Healthy Foods Of His Time (Part 1)

Coming on the heels of Easter, I thought it would be appropriate to talk about foods that Jesus may have eaten and the potential health benefits of these foods. In todays installment, we will talk about the first four foods and then cover the next four foods in the next segment. 

Although there are only a very few examples of what Jesus actually ate, we can make some generalizations based on archeological findings and also by looking at today’s consumption of traditional foods in the Middle East. In many areas of the Middle East, people still eat the same foods that were eaten thousands of years ago. 

1. Pomegranates 

These are high in a very potent anti-oxidant called “Peroxidase” (per-ox-ee-day-ce). The health benefits of this enzyme are amazing. It protects your body from the effects of the break-down of cholesterol. Experts believe that regular consumption of this fruit can have major health benefits to the heart, breast health, prostate health, and skin health. This is why pomegranates are called “super fruits”. Additionally, a single pomegranate contains 50% of your daily allowance of fiber and Vitamin C. 

2. Fish 

There are several examples of this important staple in the diet of the people during Jesus’ day, and there are even more examples of the occupation of fishing in the Bible as well. The health benefits of fish are well known. The high content of Omega 3 Fatty Acids make them the ideal food for good heart health. Fatty fish that have been shown to have health benefits are Herring, Mackerel, Sardines, Lake Trout, & Salmon 

3. Honey 

Honey has long been recognized for its anti-microbial benefits for healing cuts and other wounds. Even more recent research has shown that the phytonutrients in honey may have cancer-fighting ability. Other researchers also believe that honey can promote healthy balance of cholesterol & blood sugar as well as promote healthy digestive tract health. 

4. Olive Oil & Olives 

Since the times of ancient Egypt, olives and olive oil have been a traditional staple food. Olives are exceptionally high in fiber and are known to promote heart health by helping maintain healthy cholesterol levels and controlling inflammation. This inflammatory effect reaches further than the blood vessels; most people notice improved joint mobility and decrease of pain while using olive oil. Lastly, it has shown benefits of promoting healthy blood sugar levels as well. 

Part 2 Is Coming Later This Week…….. Stay Tuned 

To Your Health, 
Brian Brown

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

John 20 43 & 44

In the passages of John, we see the Apostle Peter arriving at the scene of an empty tomb, hewed from the rock of a "BORROWED" tomb. I shared yesterday that the reason it was "borrowed" was that God already knew that he would not need it for long. Is that not amazing? God, had from prior to the foundations of the earth, already devised a plan whereby his only Son would be sent to die on a cross, but would only taste death for 3 days and then be gloriously raised from the grave. To this reality do we owe the gratitude for a promise that is forever true. That promise, is the foundation on which every Christian builds his/her faith. To know that Jesus had the grace and ability to bear our sins upon the cross and then to realize that he further threw aside the power of sin and the death as he burst forth from the grave clothes that day is absolutely amazing. 

With that point made, I feel that Jesus was again confirming to us that "It is Finished"! You see, on the cross, he said "It is Finished", but what he was referring to was that every sin ever committed and ever to be committed was laid upon his shoulders. This picture was so gruesome that even the Heavenly Father had to turn his gaze away from the Son as he bore the brunt of our wrongdoings. But then Jesus, according to Colossians, took those sins and nailed them to the cross and thus made a public spectacle out of Satan himself. In other words, Satan became an embarrassment to the Universe as Jesus turned and took all that Satan did and declared again his eternal judgement to come. 

There is actually more to the tomb scene that deserves attention also. The fact that those grave clothes lay wadded up to the side is amazing, but what is even more amazing is that the relevance of the "napkin" that lay folded at the place where Jesus head once lay. You see, culturally speaking, the folded napkin signified the same thing that it would have signified in those days in Jewish Culture. Let me explain: If a guest were to eat at a home and at some point in the dining experience have to leave or get satisfied with his meal, he would wad the napkin up and thus signify his readiness to be done. In other words, "I am finished". But this is not what happened in the tomb that day. In fact, Jesus did just the opposite. He took the napkin and the neatly folded it leaving it where the inquiring disciples were sure to notice. You see the folded napkin, culturally speaking, meant that the person who sat at the meal of the host, should he need to be excused for any reason, would then fold the napkin and thus signify to the host, "I AM NOT FINISHED". WOW-Did you just see that? Jesus was proclaiming the message here that he was indeed not finished. In fact, though his earthly ministry was ending, I believe he was pointing to the fulfillment of the coming ministry through the Holy Spirit and the eventual birth of the Church. So, in closing, Jesus is not only not done, but he is just beginning in many of our lives and our ministries. I choose to believe that indeed he is not finished, but that "he who began a good work in me is able to complet that work". I am thankful today that through the cross we have the forgiveness of sins and through HIS resurrection we have the promise of new life and life eternal through Jesus Christ our Lord. 

--David B. Hughes