Friday, March 22, 2013

Momma Taught Me To Clean My Plate…Part 2

In my last installment, we talked about the problem of being driven to overeating by our subconscious.

So what do we do about it? Here are some techniques that you can use to help overcome this problem. I want you to try this for the next week and see how much of a difference it makes.

  • Write down everything you put in your mouth… even if it’s a piece of gum; keep a daily record. Research shows that people who do this one thing are most likely to lose weight and keep it off.
  • When you eat, concentrate on chewing more slowly.
  • Don't eat in front of the T.V. or while listening to music.
  • Prepare your plate of food and put the rest away, so that there’s no temptation to go back for seconds.
  • After you eat a meal, ask yourself these questions (for POSITIVE REACTIONS):
    • Feel full and content?
    • No sweet cravings?
    • Not hungry at all?
    • No need for a snack?
    • Feel recharged?
    • Energy is even (not high or low)?
    • No “crashing” feelings?
    • Feel uplifted?
    • Mind is clear and not foggy?
    • Can easily put words and thoughts together?
  • After you eat a meal, ask yourself these questions (for NEGATIVE REACTIONS):
    • Physically full, BUT still hungry?
    • Desire something sweet?
    • Already hungry?
    • Need a snack?
    • Energy has not improved at all?
    • Feel wired, but tired underneath?
    • Crashed and burned; need a nap?
    • Feel anxious and/or irritable?
    • Brain is foggy?
    • Gut feel heavy?
Here are some quick rules for interpreting these NEGATIVE reactions:

  • Excess Fat and/or Protein will result in the following:
    • Physically full, BUT still hungry?
    • Desire something sweet?
    • Energy has not improved at all?
    • Gut feel heavy?
  • Insufficient calories and/or excess carbohydrates will result in the following:
    • Already hungry?
    •  Need a snack?
  • Excess Carbohydrates will result in the following:
    • Feel wired, but tired underneath?
    • Crashed and burned; need a nap?
    • Feel anxious and/or irritable?
    • Brain is foggy?
These techniques may seem a little crazy at first, but as you get used to them, you will begin to develop more self-awareness. In the long run, you’ll be more in tune with your body and your body’s response to foods, and this will lead to A BETTER YOU!

To Your Health,

Brian Brown

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