Monday, March 4, 2013

Fresh Manna Monday

David, of the Old Testament, has to be one of my favorite Biblical Leaders. That opinion stems from a lot of thoughts that I have about him, but most important was God’s opinion of him. God said of David “He is a man after my own heart” I am not sure about you, but if God were to say that about me, my first question might be “God, why did you say that about me?” 

I ask you, what does it mean to be a man or woman after God’s own heart? What character attributes are present? What kind of life or effort does it take to earn this worthy title? First of all, before I answer, I believe it is possible for you and I to be men and women after God’s own heart. You see, we know from scripture that it wasn’t a perfect life that earned that status. Sad to say, but David was both an adulterer and a murderer of one of his own men. In fact, God did not allow David to build the temple because of the “bloodshed” he had invoked during his time as King. So what was it about this man? I believe the answer is simple: David, although extremely far from perfect, was a true worshipper of God. I believe God fell in love with him and he with God as he lay on the mountainsides as a young boy tending the flock. Second, I believe he was “THE” man because of the fact that when he was wrong, he was quick to repent of those wrongs. When Nathan, the prophet, confronted David about his sin, David could have had Nathan beheaded and no one would have known the difference-except for David. Instead David fell to his knees weeping knowing that he had dishonored God and his family and the families of his men by his terrible actions. Third, but definitely not all inclusive, is the fact that David did not mind being who he was before the people God had called him to rule. I love the fact that David, when he became excited about God’s goodness, let the whole kingdom know that he was not ashamed to be a child of the Living God. Scripture portrays that David danced energetically and unashamed in the city streets of Jerusalem. What people, young and old alike, want from you and I the most is this: they want us to be real. I meet people every day who would greatly benefit from is someone who could be transparent about their lives and walk with Christ. 

In conclusion, Is it not awesome that there was and will always be only one who was perfect, Jesus Christ? One day we will see Perfection in all its Glory, when we see him face to face. At that time, he will say to us “well done good and faithful servant”. But until then, we must strive to be a man or woman after God’s own heart. 

David Hughes, NP 

Co-Owner Matrix Wellness Solutiuons

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