Saturday, March 16, 2013

How Can I Prevent or Reverse Type II Diabetes?

There’s been a lot of talk lately about diabetes remission. Edward Gregg from the Centers For Disease Control (CDC) summarizes the common thinking of today very well… 

Kind of a long-term assumption really is that once you have diabetes there's no turning back on it, and there's no remission or cure -- Edward Gregg 

However, in a recent study that Edward Gregg and his team at the CDC published in the Journal of The American Medical Association (JAMA), 11.5% of those with Type II Diabetes who participated in a one year program of intensive diet and exercise were found to have blood sugar levels that approached those levels of their “pre-diabetic” state. 

Additionally, those who were more newly diagnosed had a greater chance of falling into the 11.5% group of people who went into remission. The hallmark of the research findings was that weekly accountability and support played just as important a role as diet and exercise. 

This gives hope to those with Type II Diabetes that aggressive lifestyle change & proper accountability can have significant impact on overall health outcomes with Type II Diabetes. It’s no longer a mandatory sentence that has to be accepted. It can be fought, and the battle can be won. 

At Matrix Wellness Solutions, we have had a number of clients who have reduced or stopped their diabetes medications under the close medical supervision that we offer through our weight loss programs. Below is a graph of one such patient.

Glucose Results

Upon admission to the clinic, this person had a fasting blood sugar of 260; he was also 320 pounds and taking 60 units of insulin along with two different oral diabetes medications. Over a 6 month period, his blood sugar continued to decline and he lost 70.4 pounds. The end result was that he came off of insulin & one of his oral diabetes medications completely. The other oral medication has been cut in half and we are hopeful that he will be off of this one in the next 3 months. 

During this six-month period, this particular patient was seen on a weekly basis. He was also given dietary education, support & accountability for a customized diet plan with moderate exercise. His lab work and blood sugars were monitored frequently throughout this period and adjustments were made to his medications as needed. 

At Matrix Wellness Solutions we have real people with real results.

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