Thursday, January 24, 2013

What Every Parent Should Know About Childhood Obesity

This may seem like a very bold statement, but it was recently reported by leading experts that today’s generation of parents might be the first generation to outlive their own children. Why is this?

It’s estimated that 155 million children age 5 to 17 are overweight or obese. In the medical community, we are beginning to see a sharp rise in children with Type 2 Diabetes. This is the kind of diabetes that it is directly related to obesity. Most parents don’t realize that if their child develops diabetes prior to the age of 14 years they are shortening their life by 17 to 27 years. 

What can you do about this? The first thing you can do is take ownership of the problem. Talk candidly with your pediatrician or family practitioner about your child’s individual risks. Ask to see your child’s weight plotted on a growth chart. If your child’s weight is over 75%, it’s probably time to be concerned.

Next, change your child’s activity level. The average child spends 25-35 hours per week watching T.V., playing video games, or sitting at a computer. Turn off the electronics during daylight hours and get your child moving. Enroll them in a swimming class, gymnastics, dance, or martial arts.

Lastly, set the example of healthy eating & exercise for your child. Children naturally mimic what they see. If they see you living a sedentary lifestyle, they will likely do the same. Go for a walk with your child, ride bicycles, toss a ball, or play Frisbee. Make it fun. Also, set the example in the way you eat. If you buy chips, cookies, and sugary snack food for the house, you are sending the message that these things are safe to eat. Provide healthier options that do not include processed sugar, corn, or potatoes. 

If you would like tips on eating healthy and fun ways to make good eating habits, give us a call at 731-343-2223. We will be glad to help you reach your goals.

Brian Brown, MSN, APRN-BC

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