Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Know Your Number

The Key To Successful Weight Loss

Most people think that the only way to measure success with weight loss is by the number of pounds lost on the scales. Nothing could be further from the truth. You may be asking, what is this all-important number that we need to pay attention to? Is it inches? Is it Body Mass Index (BMI)? The answer is Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR). 

Your Resting Metabolic Rate, or RMR, is the total number of daily calories that your body uses at rest. This number is very unique to your body. Imagine this: If you stayed in bed all day and never moved a muscle, the amount of calories that your body used during that time would be your RMR. An RMR is unique as your fingerprint & is dependent on factors such as Age, Body Weight, Hormone Levels, Gender, Muscle Mass, Illness, Disease, & Medications. This number is so unique that six people could be identical in age, gender, body size, and lifestyle but they would all have different RMR’s.

Why is this number so important? The RMR helps us customize a diet that is very specific to your daily calorie needs. As a result, this helps you to avoid unnecessary hunger & cravings by taking all of the guess-work out of the picture. Research shows that people who know their RMR experience nearly double the weight loss compared to traditional methods. Your RMR can be measured with a simple & painless five to ten minute breathing test. This leads to better results that are based on your individual needs AND does away with the one-size-fits-all diet approach you’ve tried before.

Call us for more information on how to get your RMR tested. (731)343-2223


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